Sunday, January 26, 2014


Slacker, slacker, slacker...this is the thought that runs through my head whenever I think of this blog. I have pushed my writing aside for the other adventures in my life; twin boys (16 months old!), husband, family, holidays, new company, new products, training for an olympic triathlon, etc etc etc. Believe me, it's not for a lack of daily mama fails...and maybe a few wins too.

Here are a few of the latest fails that have a happened in the recent past. I say this because my memory is crap and I honestly cannot remember all of the chaos that happens every day.

Mama fails:
Chasing James around the garage because he has something in his mouth. Find out it is a dime (choking!) he got off of the garage floor (chemicals, dirt, gah!). Finally fish out the dime and am putting it up high and out of reach. I turn around to find him pick up a piece of dog food off the floor and promptly eat it. Sigh.

Just got home from a run and am mentally and physically exhausted. I have one of those camelbak water bottles that I am drinking from and of course James wants it. (Sidebar - these boys are completely and totally in the, I want what moms has phase). So, fine, I give him the water bottle. It's filled with water and has a silicone spout. Harmless right...until he trips and falls. He starts crying...and I'm all "you're ok, shake it off". (This is my standard response to all trips because if I rushed to the boys every time they trip or fall I would do nothing else in life.) Then I realize he is not calming down and then. I see. the blood. Oh god. He is bleeding profusely from his mouth. My first thought is he knocked out a tooth. Oh god. I pick him up and cannot see a thing between the blood and the fact that he will not open his mouth for me. Luckily I can peek in between wails, all I can see is what looks to be his upper lip in between his front teeth. You would think an ex ICU nurse would handle stressful situations pretty well. Um nope. My mind went blank. I called the answer, crap, they're closed. So I call Jay and we try to communicate over baby wails. He is totally cool and calm and I am a mess. He suggests giving him ice chips to numb the area and decrease swelling. Yes, yes, that makes sense. The bleeding has stopped and James is willing to eat ice chips. Phew. There is a lot more drama (self imposed) that happens over the next 24 hours, but eventually it comes down to this: he hit his lip, scratched his gum, it bled, the upper lip was all swollen which made it look like it was stuck between the front teeth. Ace mothering and nursing there Mel. What would I have done without Jay...probably taken my son to the ER for a swollen lip. Sigh.

The boys have been playing in front of our house a lot lately. This is really fun as a lot of the neighborhood kids will come down the street to play with them. Plus the boys get to explore everyone's front yards and porches. We are at the end of a dead end street so we often let the boys just play in the street. Our first boy (Bear dog, Baby Bear, Bear Bear) likes this time as well because he gets to smell all the smells, sun bathe on the neighbors lawn, and watch the people go by. Sometime there is water in the gutter area in front of our house, left over from someone washing their car or the sprinklers going off and Bear likes to drink this water. Yuck, but he's a dog, whatever. John and James were playing on opposite sides of the street so I stand in between them at all times so it's just a quick jaunt to whoever is causing the most trouble (hopefully they never do it at the same time - ha!). So there I am switching from one boy to the other. They are both playing nicely....John is in the street and James is in our driveway. So I am watching John, who is watching Bear. John decides to imitate Bear and in less than a second he is laying on his belly with his face in the gutter water. Oh my god. So disgusting. I scream "yucky" which is my standard response for something gross they are about to put in their mouths. John looks up and smiles with a face full of gutter water and sediment...on my way running to him, he promptly puts his face back in. Can I actually wash my kid's mouth out with soap? Sigh.

Poison control line called. Do I need to elaborate? I only will as a PSA. Unless you know your garden very well (which we do not as we are renters), never take your eyes off your kid in the backyard, ever. Well, not until they are past the oral fixation phase. John literally bit into a tree (Plumeria) and as I'm telling him "yucky" I see this white milky substance coming out of the tree. That CANNOT be good. Find out what the tree is, look it up, see the words POISONOUS SAP and totally freak. Luckily I had my head on straight this day and immediately called poison control line...all is well...just an irritant. Keep an eye on his mouth, etc etc. Sigh.

Getting frustrated with the boys. The boys are in this transition phase. They are wanting more independence, but still needing so much. It leads to very frustrating times. I know every mom goes through these times, there is no special mama fail here. The fail is that I do get frustrated and angry with them. Most of the time they have no idea what they are doing...they are not doing it purposefully and yet, I take it personally. Then I feel guilty and a downward spiral begins. Sigh.

Mama Wins:
Holy moly I am getting this company thing started. I guess maybe it's too early for it to be a win, but it sure is exciting and scary.

We are doing a triathlon. I have made it through one week of training and I haven't hurt myself or forgotten a child at the Kidzone at the YMCA. Wahoo!

Part of having the boys go out front and play in our driveway and street is you just never know what is going to happen. Sometimes it's crazy gross, sometimes they just "discover stuff" and sometimes it is truly amazing and hilarious. It has been an incredibly mild winter here in Orange County and one day it was 85 degrees. After a walk in the heat, the boys were ready to get out of their stroller and play. The stroller was a mess of crushed cheerios and banana, yay toddlerhood. Time for a stroller hose down in the front yard (really how can our neighbors not love us - dogs on their lawn, cleaning strollers in our front yard, nakey babies running around - we'll get to that last one.) Well the boys found this to be fascinating and start splashing in the water that was running down the driveway. Then John discovered that the water was coming from the hose and he wanted to explore that. This video is what ensued and it was awesome. Eventually this led to me having to strip them down to their diapers on the front lawn as they were soaked (hiya neighbors). Sigh (with a smile).


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