Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Watch out Target shoppers

Historical Fail - not in the sense that it is so bad it will be written in the history books...just that it happened in the past...

Mama fail - So one day a few months ago I went to Target with my mom, she was here visiting from Chicago. It was one of my first trips out with the boys and of course my mind was all crazy because I felt like I was juggling 30 things at once. So the shopping was not momentous, but the fun started when we got back to the car. I unloaded the cart while my mom helped by getting James strapped in to his car seat. Then I popped John out of the cart and loaded him up too. Feeling pretty good about a successful trip, I started up the car and threw it in reverse.
With the rear door still open.
And the cart still behind the car.
I bumped the cart which sent it rolling in to the two way parking lot lane.
I threw the car in to park, and in an utter panic (why I panicked I don't know)...we hopped out of the car and closed the rear door and chased down the cart. Luckily it did not hit another car or get hit by another car.
I seriously thought I was doing ok and was acing this mom thing at that point because...heck...I got out of the house with twin infants and made it through Target without a melt down. I guess my brain had not caught up to my awesomeness yet. Thank god for moms (well, my mom.)

Mama win - Play date. I joined a local moms group to meet other moms, get some support, and make some friends. The group is great and I decided I needed to be more involved. I offered to start a baby play date group so that all the moms with younger kids could get together (as there are a few older kid groups already). I hosted the play date yesterday from 11 - 1:30. There were 5 moms and 9 kids, ages ranging from 3 months to 4.5 years. It was chaos and I felt like there was a daycare in my house, but it was amazing too. 6 of those kids were all within a month of each other and it was great to talk with other moms and have the kids interact. I was pooped and the boys were in melt down phase by the end, but it was fun to be social. I can't wait till the next one.

Uh-oh, they found me


LOVE the new look!! Good job!

Mom groups can be the best, as long as they don't end up being a competition over who is the "best" mom. Having support, someone to laugh and cry with over the latest parenting wins/fails...that is priceless. And who knows, your kids may make lifelong friends out of the deal, too!

(Confession: I once drove off without my double stroller, which I left in the parking lot of my ob/gyn. And people thought I always had it together...hah!)

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