So here I am, in the blog world. Hmmm, it's kind of cold and lonely in here. A little echo-y too. HELLO, Hello, hello. I have thoughts about why I am here (not in the existential way - but in the blogger world way). I feel I have stories to tell, I want to keep family/friends up to date on our lives, etc. I have recently started following other blogs and I just love this format of storytelling. For a few years now I have wanted to write a book, but honestly I just don't believe I have the writing skills, creativity, and good ole gumption to follow through with it. So maybe this is my "easy way out" from that nagging in the back of my brain. Damn that really is annoying. Shut up back there!
I started making this blog thinking, ooooh I am going to write a blog about my nursing career and its daily trials and tribulations. Shockingly, that's already been done. Ok, next. I will write a blog about being a regular girl, hmmm, nope, that's been done too. About being a wife - done. Aspiring artist - done. Argh!!! Well, I just won't focus. Hey that's an easy one. Lack of focus. Check. I am good at that. So here is my leap in to the world without focus. Now I'm cold, lonely, and I can't see clearly. Hmmm.
This blog will involve stories of the past and present. It will involve art and craft projects I do. It will be excerpts from "my book". It will be tales from my profession. It will be life in California from a mid-westerner perspective. It will totally lack focus and be a combination of OCD and ADHD. Much like me. It will be a little bit girly and a little bit tom boy. Much like me. It will be a little bit creative and a little bit clumsy. Much like me.
This is January 2011 and one of my resolutions to myself was to not be such a perfectionist. Not that I am a perfectionist in every aspect of my life (in fact I am in very few). But when it comes to trying new things, I tend to not do them if I think I won't be great at them. Well, of course I will never be great at them if I don't try. Der. There are very few people that can do things perfectly on the first try without practice. I am certainly NOT one of those people. So here is my resolution, my vow, to myself this year. I will try more things. I may do them miserably, I may fail, I may get embarrassed, but who knows I may do them well too. So here is my first leap. I am starting a blog, with total lack of focus. This is not a good foot to start off on, but it is the first step.

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