Monday, October 7, 2013

Only 20 more years and you can do it again

So Jay and I wanted to celebrate these last waning days of summer (yea right we live in SoCal) and enjoy a beverage on an outside patio....

Mama fail: We decided to take the boys to a local tavern (serves food and drink so it's ok, right?) and we were planning on sitting out on the patio. Boys will get fresh air, mom and dad will get sunshine and a cold beer. So after the typical "plan for every possibility of things that can go wrong" packing job...we are now all loaded into the car. It needs to be said that we are driving to a place that is literally 5 minutes away by car. However, we couldn't walk because A) it's a mile away and it is 92 degrees out, and B) we really only have about 45 free minutes with the boys till dinner time melt down...the walk alone would have killed about 25 of those minutes. So we're loaded up spend 5 minutes in the car. Park. Unload. Carry everything + two boys into tavern. We notice that the patio is filled, but inside, ooooh there is football (one drawback to no cable/directv). So we decide, eh, we will go inside and have a drink and watch football and entertain the boys with snacks and TV. As we're walking in we notice a sign on the door that says NO one under 21 is allowed. We scoff, hahaha. Boys you don't meet the age limit. We'll give you fake IDs. We sit down and literally just have a moment to drop the boys on their tushes and unload our stuff when the manager walks up to us and says, "I'm sorry guys, no one under 21 is allowed in here," Jay and I both kind of laugh and the manager says, "No seriously, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave." We incredulously say, "Seriously?!?...even babies!" "Yes, I'm so sorry, even babies. It's because of our liquor license." We just kind of look dumbfounded. "Sorry" says the manager, sheepishly. We haul all of our stuff back onto our bodies and scooch our way out of the booth. He "ushers" us out and makes some benign comment about "not being able to serve them anyway" hahaha. So boys. At age officially got kicked out of your first bar. You'll have to wait 20 more years for the next time :)

Mama win: On Sunday morning, bright and early I made the boys breakfast. Now this is no amazing feat in and of itself as I make them breakfast every morning. However, my usual breakfast fare for the boys involves toasting some frozen product, adding fruit and calling it a day. This morning I cut up some fresh strawberries, made homemade pancakes, and whipped up some homemade whipped cream. This was the boys breakfast. And on top of that...they actually ate it! There is the mama win! It seems the meals I put the most effort in to are usually the ones the boys spit out. But all of the stars aligned and a good breakfast was had by all (yes Jay and I enjoyed our version of the same breakfast during the boys nap). Ahhhh, life is good. Lets just pretend this is what it looked like and that I am Martha Stewart, II.


If you'd been in Chicaga, they would have let you in and offered the boys half-price drinks ;)

There's a reason right there to move back mama.

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