Wednesday, September 25, 2013

It's the little things...

Lets call these short stories or lessons learned. Whatever they may be...I offer them to you, here and now. It has been crazy for the last two weeks. Preparing for family coming in to town and the boys first b-day addition to all of the usual stuff...leaves little time for writing blog posts. I will keep this short and... sometimes sweet.

Mama fails:
1. Giving babies couscous, ever. They will "paint" with it on their high chair tray and you will end up with couscous everywhere. Still finding those little pin sized pasta pieces 3 weeks later. They cannot eat it, it doesn't clump together and they cannot pincer grasp it. I don't know what I was thinking.
2. Trying again and again to get my boys to eat pasta. My boys do not like pasta...of any kind...shape...flavor...with sauce...without...they. don't. like. it. I am so very very sad as this is such an easy go to item for kids. Nope.
3. Going to Whole Foods. I should have kept up my streak on never going. Now I know what's there. It's allll there. I have so many food options. Temptation is too great. Ignorance was bliss.
4. Forgetting to lock the oven door. John "the climber" grabs onto the handle and climbs the oven. Door flies open, John falls back, oven door hits John in the face, and then John's head hits the floor. All within a second and about two feet away from me. Talk about parental guilt.
5. Assuming that since James had crawled up one stair, only one stair, that there was no way he could hurt himself. Till he tried to sit back and ooops, he was one stair up and just fell back on to the tile floor. Not a happy baby. Like an overturned screaming turtle.
6. Assuming that my boys would be the first babies in history to actually enjoy their first birthday cake. Mmm, not so much.

Mama wins:
1. Making it through the first year of life with these two amazing boys. Didn't think we were gonna make it for a little while.
2. Pulling off a first birthday party with over 30 guests...of course I couldn't have done it without Jay and both sets of Grandparents!!
3. Getting away, just Jay and I, for over 30 hours.
4. Realizing that I am not the end all be all with these boys...although that is a fail for me too (tear).


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