Friday, August 23, 2013

Siren call of Costco

Mama fail:
So the last few times I have gone out with the boys in the afternoon, we have had early melt downs. Way before dinner time. Between waking up at 3:00, having a small bottle and then dinner at 5:00...a snack is an absolute must...I now know this. So yesterday Costco's siren call lead me to an afternoon adventure. Prep - snack crackers, water, and two toddler applesauce/carrot snack pouches (you know, the pouches that have the little nozzle on top so kids can suck on it). Ok, we're off. Costco is fairly uneventful, I stave off a few melt downs with crackers and water. However, 8 hours later (or however long it took us to get through Costco) we are in line and THE melt down ensues. A-ha, mama has the pouches...and here is where the fail begins. I give James his, it goes immediately in mouth. Perfect, wonderful, I am super mom. I go to unscrew the cap off of John's and James has taken his out of his mouth and is now just squeezing it into the air (like a geyser). I lay down John's to help James (ignoring the massive pool of carrot/apple goo that is collecting in James's lap). In the meantime John is angry that his is not in his mouth and starts beating his hands on the cart, well one misses and hits his pouch which shoots off orange carrot goo on to James as well. I finish helping James, go back to John and hand him his. John is good, focused on eating. James has now turned his upside down. Orange goo dribbling out. Gah! Ahh well, his lap is orange, his hands are orange, the blanket covering the cart is orange, there is probably orange goo on the cart and under the cart. I just keep laughing and telling James what a mess he is. I turn around to see some grumpy old woman giving me the sour face and I just want to stick my tongue out at her.

Mama Win:
I took the high road, did not stick my tongue out at grumpy old lady. Instead I see she has 1 item to my 400 and I politely ask her to please go ahead of me since she has such a small order. I gotta keep thinking "these boys are watching, learning, observing at all times." But...they cannot mind read and mentally I am sticking my tongue out at the back of her head. Thbbbttttt.

I did not get a picture of yesterday's incident as then my phone would have been covered in orange goo too, but here is an approximation. Just imagine the boys fully clothed, in a cart seat and covered in orange instead of blue.


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