Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What babies?

Mama Fail - Another Target story from the past, what can I say, I am a mom who needs to get out of the house. So I have another wonderful trip to Target and it is jam packed full of useless stuff I'm sure I didn't need. But, alas the stuff was there and multiple bags were filled to the brim. I pack up the car and we head home. My friend Lisa was with me helping me out with the boys that day. She too had a couple of bags worth of stuff. So we pull into the driveway and start unloading. We go through the front door, as our garage at this point has become a tetris maze of cardboard boxes, no longer used furniture, and enough emergency earthquake supplies for a family of 12. The unloading process is quite hilarious when we go in through the front door because my 2 cats and dog are all trying to escape (the oh so miserable pampered life they live) through the front door. So here we are arms full of Target bags and babies in their car seats. We put the boys down on the front porch so I can unlock the door. We decide to leave them there as it is a beautiful day out. They happily coo and gah as we run in and out of the front door to unload our goodies all the while herding cats and dogs.

We get the last bags in and shut the door, glad to finally have all the stuff in the house and all animals are still accounted for. I sigh and say, "phew...ok. Lets start unloading." Lisa looks at me as if I have 4 heads and says, "um, the boys." Oh (expletive), I forgot the boys on the front porch. Ok, it was only for like 30 seconds, but in my mind I had left them out for the wolves. They were perfectly oblivious, playing with their car seat toys and enjoying the breeze. no dears, you were not abandoned by mom. All is well.

Mama win - I have never forgotten them again :) Ok, that's lame (well awesome that it is true, but kind of a cop out for a win). Hmm, ok. I walked 2 miles today to go to the nearest Starbucks. It has been so long since I have been there and so desperately needed. The boys did great and I got a tea and lemonade thingy. This "ideal" moment I had been dreaming of for so long finally came true. I honestly didn't think a day would come where I could make this walk down to our nearest *bucks. I never thought we would get here...and yet I did it. It was a small victory, but in my mind it was a momentous occasion.

Mama rant - If you ever see someone with a double stroller (or really any stroller, but even more so a double one) struggling to get in the door of a *bucks or heck any door anywhere...get off your lazy tookus and help that mom/dad/nanny out. This is the second time I have experienced a business full of people that could all see me struggling to get in to the door with my stroller in tow. When did society become this rude? Thhhbbttt.

How could I have forgotten these cute little bugs?!


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