Friday, August 30, 2013

Mamas and Papas

So today's post is a little bit different. It's a special post regarding the wins and fails of both myself and Jay. I'm sure Jay would love to participate in this, right honey....right. Better to ask forgiveness than permission :) hehehe.

Mama/Papa fail: The theme here is child injuries.
Papa fail - Yesterday morning we're getting the boys all ready for the day and Jay is getting in some last minute play time before he goes to work. He is holding John, who loves more than anything to be thrown in the air, or held up high, or "pretend dropped". Sure any of those things could lead to injury if not done carefully...but of course we're careful. Of course...all the time. Except this one time...when Jay held John high up in the air and then walked through a doorway and cracked John's head on it. Ooopf. Not a happy baby. You know that cry...the one where it's quiet and you're just he gonna cry? And then it starts with a scream, and then the tears come...and the pout and trembling lip. Ugh...melts a parent's heart. Nothing like bashing your kids head on a doorway right before work. I think we're gonna have to buy stock in cold packs.

Mama fail - Long ago we were adjusting the mirror that allows us to peek in on the boys while we are driving. Unfortunately the thing is crap and it broke in half during our adjustments (I mean I know we're strong, but c'mon). So we immediately said...Oh we should get a new one and take that down. Fast forward to 2 months later and that darn thing was still there. Anyway, I took the boys on an adventure the other day to a different park. Fun was had, tra la la. And we're packing up to go. I load James in the car first and as I'm putting him in his car seat he lunges for the mirror (cause he sees his handsome self in it) and promptly face plants in to it. Which wouldn't have been a big deal except then he loses his footing and slides down the mirror with his face. He ends up cutting his cheek and the tip of his nose on this dang broken mirror. You know what...babies bleed, like a lot. Who knew? Luckily I had a frozen banana feeder in the car and popped it in his mouth...distraction won and the cut healed quickly. I'm sad to still took me 4 more days to take that mirror down. Yay me!

Mama/Papa win:
Papa win - Jay is a great dad. He has a papa win almost everyday in that he really loves (and likes - key) his boys. He wants to be there with them and it's hard for him to leave everyday. He loves coming home to them and playing with them and doesn't mind a lot of the craziness that goes along with having twins. He is also a great husband and that is a papa win too. He came home yesterday after a long day of work and a long week of work. He came home to take over the end of the day baby duties, so I could go out and be with adults for the evening. He tended to James when the screaming started because I dared to leave the room. He is an awesome dad. For that he gets a continual win (even if his antics result in head injuries from time to time).

Mama win - summoning up the energy yesterday to leave my A/C house and go for a 3 mile "pushing the double BOB" run in the 80+ degree heat with sun ablaze. Mama win or mama insanity...I don't know. But I did it and ended the day not feeling guilty about my cheese and wine night with some other mamas. A lot of my wins are going to be running related because:
1. I am not now and never was or will be a happy runner. I don't get that runner's high, I don't look forward to it, and I usually feel miserable tired and hot afterwards. However I still do it, so every run is a major victory for me.
2. It's F'ing hard to push 50 extra pounds of baby and stroller while running up hill.
3. Some days that is the only major thing that I do right.


I am SO with you on this one. I do not love running, but I do love the exercise and the results of being able to eat what I want without too much worry.

What a blessing to have such a wonderful husband! So many wives man-bash their hubbies...very refreshing to read a positive post. My husband, too, is a great dad and amazing husband; it's a hard feat to survive the crazy baby/toddler years with your sanity AND love intact, so kudos to the both of you!!

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