Sunday, August 25, 2013

Replaceable Me?

It's actually been a little quiet in terms of mama fails which is good for me (ahem, I mean the kids), but bad for blog writing. I guess life isn't 100% entertaining all of the time. So sorry I've neglected you the past few days my loyal 7 followers :) Maybe it's 8 by now, I don't know, this thing is getting crazy popular. Ha!

Back story for fail - the boys are going through a serious mama phase. They hang on me, they look to me for reassurance, they hold out their arms for me when they get scared or hurt. I am the only one that can comfort them 90% of the time. I am the constant, the one who is always there for them. This can be good and bad. When they clamber up me and hang off my neck, pulling on my hair and kicking me in the's not so good. But when they cling onto you with all of their might cause they bonked their that feels good. Mama phase has been lasting long enough for me to just think of it as "how it is, how it will be." And here we go...

Mama fail: yesterday we hosted a b-day party for Nicky, the son of our friend Lisa. It was all of Lisa's family and friends. It was a great time and Jay and I loved being social again. Our hermit lifestyle is finally ebbing a bit. The boys handled it pretty well for much of the day, but by late afternoon they were dunzos. They were both melting down and needed an early bed time. We took them up to bed very soon after dinner was over and as soon as we got to their room James started crying...not just whining, but big crocodile tears, red faced, losing his breath/coughing crying. Just out of control. Nothing we did would make it better. Finally Jay just picked him up and took him out of the room. We had the white noise machine going already, so as soon as he left the room I couldn't hear the crying. I stayed with John we sang and read books. And I put him in his crib. At this time we were ready to finish the night routine, so I decided to go see how Jay and James were doing, maybe relieve Jay from carrying our big boy around. Ya know, see if "superhero" mom could control the situation. I step out of the room to silence. Jay had calmed him down and James was just looking around. Until he saw which point I smile and said hi...and he promptly stuck out his bottom lip, opened his mouth and let out a wail again...tears falling, red face, and screaming. What happened to mom being the fixer of all things? The one these boys go to for comfort. Sigh....blow to the ego.

Mama win: hosting a 2 year old's birthday party and having our house in presentable condition while taking care of the boys, wrangling a dog and two cats, and general host responsibilities. I couldn't have done our part without Jay's help and so this win is a papa win too.


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