Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Lets get started

Below are the Facebook posts that started this endeavor.

In an effort to cut down on the "everything in my life is perfect version" that we all share on FB (cause who really wants to air their dirty laundry), I am going to start sharing my motherhood fails. I want to keep it real and show that life is full of ups and downs. I'll also include a motherhood win...just so people don't call DCFS on me. Hehehe
So my motherhood fail for yesterday was thinking that at 10.5 months my boys could handle little bits of tortilla (as part of an avocado and bean burrito), as James gagged on a mouthful stuck to the roof of his mouth. Ah well, dinner fail.
Mama win - preparing for all possible events before going to the park yesterday and having a blast with the boys and my friend Lisa's little boy, Nicky. An awesome afternoon at the park. The boys loved people(kid) watching.


Mama fail - forgetting for the 52nd time to wash the boys hands before finger food breakfast. Why can I not remember that? It certainly is not because my floors are so clean their hands don't need to be washed

Mama win - making it out to my first (in 10+ months) moms night out type event last night. Good wine tasting, flat breads and conversation. Sometimes my "mama win" has to be a little selfish


Mama fail: wanted to get out of the house with the boys yesterday for the afternoon. Thought ikea would be fun. Got there and the carts only seat one. I can't even squeeze two in because the seat had gaping holes on each side. Gah! Did I bring the stroller... No, I did not prepare. Cursed loudly in the ikea parking lot. So all of that loading and unloading of babies to just drive around for 20 minutes. Got home and we went on a wagon walk instead.

Mama win: made it out of the house (on time!) and to my doctors appt. Phew. Small win, but I'll take it.


There is no rest for mama fails on the weekend:
Mama fail: So I assumed my babies couldn't/wouldn't (first part of the fail right there, never assume) get through/over/under our baby gate from playroom to front room as neither of them have ever done it. However, today as I ran upstairs to put my contacts in...I came back downstairs to find James (no, not John) in the front room. So either he has the ability to climb over the gate (hmm), crawl under the gate (possible), or shape shift and walk through the gate. My money is on under. In addition, as we haven't really baby proofed that room all that much, he was sitting there quietly chewing/licking a dog toy. Sigh. Just keep thinking Immunity, immunity, immunity.
Mama win: managed to go on a two mile walk up and down many hills, pushing double stroller, while feeding boys banana pops, taking sips of water, and talking with mom and dad all at the same time. Now that is multi-tasking.


Well so far this has been a pretty good day. I have postponed the mama fail post in the event that I cursed myself by saying that it was a great day and then all hell broke loose. So I am going to dig into my mama fails vault and pull out a historical one (it's historical cause I actually learned my lesson on this one!!!)
Mama fail: Leaving the computer plugged in with the charger cord which goes to an outlet near the floor. Went to get boys. Got John first. Put him down in playroom, then went to get James. Came down with James and found john sucking on cord for charger. Nearly dropped James in my maybe this is two mama fails. Every one was fine and mama slowly learned her lesson on this one.
Mama win...6 mile run with all of my boys today (confession...Jay pushed the stroller, I just lazily ran beside him). Also, an awesome day with the boys. Picnic in the baseball fields behind my house...Bear running free and boys on a blanket trying to eat grass...good times.


Mama fail: There are so many today that I think this is payback for yesterday. Where to start?1. I thought I was superwoman and my children were angels.2. Packed the kids into the car after a somewhat short nap and was off to do errands. This is already the second time in their car seats today (which they do not love).3. Drove 15 minutes in one direction to pick up some donated toys. Boys did not get to get out of the car.4. Drove the opposite direction 15 minutes to go to pet store. Boys get to get out this time. James in the carrier, John in the cart seat. Bend over to pick up 30 lbs of dog food (why?) lift up quickly and whack James in the face with it. Sigh.5. After 10 minutes in this store it is now almost 4:00, I have to go to the grocery store and get gas.6. Head to the grocery store (after packing the boys in their car seats again). Boys getting fussy about being in car seats.7. Now 4:15, at grocery store and gas station across street (dinner is usually at 5). Skip gas station.8. Boys out of Ralph's they are awesome and have double carts. Go to get one and see one of those "car in front" carts. Boys are getting fussier, so I have a brilliant idea. Boys will have awesome fun time in car part and they can both be buckled in there. Perfect!9. Boys immediately start licking, chewing and touching everything before I can get to the clorox dispenser. Gah!10. Glee ensues. Boys are sooo happy...for 5 minutes. I make it through produce area. The screaming starts. Oh my, they must be hungry. Good thing I brought snacks...somehow I did not realize that a few yogurt poof thingies every 5 minutes would not cut it for these two. Plus I am continually touching the cart, the store, stuff, then feeding them poofs. Gah!11. I am running through Ralphs trying to get all much needed groceries, women are giving me the pity look, but also the "what are you, an idiot" look.
12. Those carts may work for toddlers who at least have some concept of "no", however 11 moth old boys have no concept and just continue to lick, chew, reach out, pull, and touch everything we pass.13. At one point John gets a hold of some stationary object and stops the cart at the same time James starts screaming. There are too many people in the deli line...I shout, "Gah, this is chaos", leave with pre-packaged turkey.14. Get to check out lane and all hell breaks loose...boys are reaching out to grab everything...old mango - check, gift cards from hanger - check, pile of reusable bags from next checkout lane - check, candy - check. Finally move forward enough and get to the bagging area where a little alarm goes off because I have forgotten things on bottom of my cart. Ugh.15. Get out to car...boys are soooo done. I don't want to leave either of them unattended for long in this car contraption, so I garb James and place him in car seat. I go and grab John and bring him in to car....James is climbing over back seat and out of his car seat. Place John in car seat. Run over to James, get him clipped in, John is climbing over back of car seat. Run over clip him in...both boys screaming now. Only 5 minutes to home. Forget medication and gas.16. Boys screaming from hunger. Place in high chairs to realize I didn't clean off trays from lunch. Ugh. Place burp cloths over trays. Shove pouch of apple sauce into each of their hands and breathe. Oh my.
Mama win...I made it through all of the above with out crying.


Evidence of yesterday's debacle. How cute are they? How could I NOT put them in this contraption from hell?


Mama fail: lunch. Can I just leave it at that? No no no. Made this beautiful lunch for the carrots diced and steamed, raspberries cut into bite sized pieces, all natural french toast sticks all warm straight from the toaster. Sounds pretty dang good to me. Boys wouldn't eat it. Put it on their tongue and spit it out. Or stuck their tongue out till the drool made whatever item was being disliked slide off of tongue. Sigh...what they ended up eating. Half an avocado, cheerios, and pre shredded cheese.

Mama win: I got to eat their tasty lunch


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